Para podermos alimentar as previstas 11 mil milhões de pessoas no planeta, em 2100, a nossa agricultura vai ter que imperativamente mudar. Atualmente ela é imensamente poluidora e desperdiçadora e tem como princípio forçar a natureza com monoculturas intensivas e potentes químicos.
E já há muito tempo que temos vindo a observar as negativas consequências. Está na hora de mudar.
Leituras extra:
- Sobre como melhorar as ajudas internacionais: Improving Humanitarian Aid, Foreign Affairs
- Entrevista ao autor: David Miliband on Humanitarian Aid, Foreign Affairs
- Sobre quintas verticais e o future da agricultura:
- The Promise of Indoor, Hurricane-Proof ‘Vertical’ Farms, The Atlantic
- How vertical farming reinvents agriculture, BBC
- Toshiba’s high-tech grow rooms are churning out lettuce that never needs washing, Quartz
- The future of Food, National Geographic
- Future of Food, Digital Trends
- Infographic: The Future of Food, Visual Capitalist
- The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges, FAO
- Sobre a dieta mediterrânica: That Huge Mediterranean Diet Study Was Flawed. But Was It Wrong?, The New York Times
- Sobre proteína: Are you eating too much protein? Some sources aren’t as healthy as you think, The Guardian
- Sobre pesticidas: Monsanto’s Weed Killer, Dicamba, Divides Farmers, The New York Times
- Sobre carne:
- Sobre vida selvagem: Should we give up half of the Earth to wildlife?, The Guardian
- History of agriculture, Wikipédia
- Previsões populacionais: ONU
- Wrapped in Plastic, China’s Farmland Is Suffering: QuickTake Q&A, Bloomberg
- Foto de quinta com plásticos, Wikipédia
- European agency concludes controversial ‘neonic’ pesticides threaten bees, Science
- Foto de abelhas, Anna Reiff, Unsplash
- Water use in agriculture, OECD
- Methane emissions from cattle are 11% higher than estimated, The Guardian
- Eating red meat raises ‘substantially’ risk of cancer or heart disease death, The Guardian
- Foto de carne, Lukas Budimaier, Unsplash
- Veganism is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce our environmental impact on planet, study finds, The Independent
- Clean Meat: A Vision of the Future, Just
- First Clean Meat Taste Test – Memphis Meats, Memphis Meats
- Historic first: clean poultry tasting, Memphis Meats
- The US FDA says it’s taking the lead on the regulation of cell-cultured meat, Quartz
- Foto de laboratório, Drew Hays, Unsplash
- Foto de caracol, Erwan Hesry, Unsplash
- Foto de gafanhoto, Boris Smokrovic, Unsplash
- Foto de grilos, Harish Shivaraman, Unsplash
- To Save the World, Eat Bugs, The Atlantic
- German shoppers sample burgers made of buffalo worms, Reuters
- Foto de hamburger de insetos, Bug Foundation
- Grubs up: Carrefour offers Spanish shoppers insect-based snacks, The Guardian
- The Making of Impossible Burger, Impossible Foods
- Techno Farm™ │ Indoor Vertical Farming │ Spread Co.,Ltd., Spread Co.
- Our Technology, AeroFarms
- Freight Farmer Spotlight: Patrick Stoffer, Freight Farms
- VertiCrop Vertical Farming. Good for you. Good for our earth, VertiCrop
- Italian delegation of EFDD group European Parliament, Urban Crop Solutions
- This Underground Urban Farm Also Heats The Building Above It, Fast Company
- This High-Tech Vertical Farm Promises Whole Foods Quality at Walmart Prices, Bloomberg
- Foto de campos, Ricardo Gomez Angel, Unsplash
- Foto de policulturas, Wikipedia
- Food waste: the problem in the EU in numbers [infographic], União Europeia
- Automated agriculture: Can robots, drones, and AI save us from starvation?, Digital Trends
- DJI MG-1S – Agricultural Wonder Drone, DJI
- Carnegie Mellon University | FarmView | Work That Matters, Carnegie Mellon University
- ecoRobotix video in English, ecoRobotix
- The CNH Industrial Autonomous Tractor Concept (Full Version), CNH Industrial
- Governo quer que o país atinja a auto-suficiência alimentar em 2020, Público
- Foto de couves, Arnaldo Aldana, Unsplash
- Peso da agricultura na economia, The World Bank
- Climate change hits poorest hardest, new research shows, Phys.Org
Música: Chill Day, LAKEY INSPIRED.
Vídeos tirados do Videoblocks.
Foto da miniatura do YouTube: Xavi Moll, Unsplash.